Lawn Care Harrisburg PA is crucial to the health of your property. Whether you do it yourself or hire professionals, knowing the best time to water, fertilize, mow, and dethatch your lawn will help you achieve a lush green look.

Do a soil test to learn your grass’s needs. Water in the morning helps grass dry out, rather than at night, which can encourage diseases.

In lawn care, much attention is placed on the plant itself, but a healthy lawn starts with good soil. Soil is more than just dirt under your feet; it’s a complex food web that provides the building blocks of grass health and resilience. Nutrient-rich soil will bolster a healthy lawn’s resistance to drought, weeds, and pest damage.

A healthy soil is a dynamic system that constantly changes and adapts to the environment around it. This process is governed by five major factors: climate, organisms, relief (landscape), parent material and time. These factors influence how and why soils form, creating a unique soil type that is unique to the location.

Soil is also an excellent habitat for a wide variety of beneficial insects and microorganisms that help break down organic matter, increase water retention and facilitate nutrient uptake. These microorganisms are also natural predators of harmful pathogens and insects that can affect a lawn.

Most experts recommend keeping lawn soil in the slightly acidic to neutral pH range of 6 to 7. A pH level below six can inhibit nutrient uptake, while a pH above seven can inhibit root development and stifle microbial activity.

Getting to know your lawn’s soil quality will give you an idea of how it will respond to fertilizer, water and other management practices. For example, if the soil has a high clay content and tends to be dense and sticky, it’s considered heavy, while sandy or silty types of soil are light. A soil with a balanced combination of these types of particles is considered loam, which is ideal for garden and lawn use. Loamy soils are permeable and well-draining and are the best choice for a lawn because they retain moisture and nutrients while allowing the roots to breathe.


As a large part of a home landscape, lawns require a significant investment of time and money. Properly caring for your lawn will minimize fungal disease and promote healthy roots to keep your lawn lush and beautiful for year-long enjoyment. To achieve a healthy, vibrant lawn, regularly dethatching, mowing at the correct height, using a mulching mower, raking up leaves in the fall, and watering deeply and less frequently are important practices to follow.

It is also important to note that different parts of the lawn may have different watering needs. For example, shady areas often need less irrigation than sunnier areas as grasses grow more slowly in shady conditions. It is recommended to adjust your automatic irrigation system and watering habits so that all areas are getting the proper amount of moisture for optimum health.

Watering properly helps to minimize fungal disease and encourages healthy root growth, keeping your lawn healthier and more resistant to environmental stresses. In general, a lawn needs 1″ of water per week to stay green during the cooler seasons, and up to 2″ during warmer months. Deep, infrequent watering is preferred over light, frequent watering, which can lead to shallow root systems and annual weed invasions.

Additionally, watering early in the morning can reduce evaporative losses and decrease the risk of disease from standing water on leaves overnight. This is especially important for warm-season turfgrasses like bermudagrass and zoysiagrass, which tend to be more susceptible to disease when water stands on the leaf surface for prolonged periods of time. Additionally, rinsate from certain herbicide applications should be directed away from ditches, streams, storm drains, ponds, and wells via dikes or other control measures, as this will reduce the movement of contaminants into surface waters.


A healthy lawn requires specific nutrients, and fertilization is a critical part of regular lawn care. Without adequate nutrition, grass is less able to resist disease and drought. A well-fertilized lawn also looks healthier and helps to maintain the value of your property.

Regular lawn fertilization can also prevent weeds and pests. Because of the dense, green appearance it creates, a well-fertilized lawn is naturally less welcoming to unwanted plants and insects. Using a combination of cultural, physical and chemical tools, a professional lawn care service can control weeds and pests to keep them from spreading throughout the lawn.

Choosing the right fertilizer and schedule is essential. The type of grass and its unique nutrient requirements must be considered, as well as the soil type. Organic and inorganic fertilizers are available, and each has different benefits. For example, natural fertilizers improve the soil structure over time, whereas inorganic fertilizers deliver nutrients quickly. A careful assessment of the lawn’s nutrient needs and the weather conditions during application is also important to ensure optimal results.

A properly-fertilized lawn is more resilient to environmental stressors such as heat, heavy rainfall and drought. A lush lawn is not only attractive, but it provides a safe and comfortable space for family and friends to enjoy outdoor activities and can even increase the value of your home.

A good lawn doesn’t just look nice; it’s an asset to the community and a source of oxygen. Its roots help to reduce erosion and water runoff, and it can produce up to 10 times more oxygen than a forest. While mowing, watering and fertilization are key components to a healthy lawn, other practices like aeration and seeding/overseeding contribute to the overall health of your landscape.

Weed Control

Weed control involves eliminating unwanted plants and promoting the growth of desired vegetation. It’s an important aspect of lawn care because weeds steal water, nutrients, and sunlight from grass and other desirable plants. In addition, weeds are often more invasive than desirable plants and can cause damage to the soil, resulting in uneven ground, flooding and even instability. Regular weed control can help prevent these unwanted plants from overtaking a yard or garden and can save you money in costly repairs and treatments.

Proper weed control can also enhance the overall appearance of your lawn. Weeds are unsightly and can detract from the beauty of your home’s outdoor space. Having a lush, beautiful yard can also add to the value of your property and make it easier to sell your home.

There are several methods of weed control including hand-pulling, mulching, and herbicides. Using several methods of weed control can provide the most effective and efficient results. Combining mechanical and organic options, for example, can reduce reliance on chemicals, minimize resistance, and promote environmentally conscious landscaping practices.

Another important consideration when it comes to weed control is timing. Different weeds grow at different times of the year, and applying a treatment at an inopportune time can actually decrease its effectiveness.

A professional lawn care service can handle all of your weed control needs and will know when to apply what products and how frequently to ensure the best results. They will also be able to handle any questions or concerns you may have about the application process. Additionally, professional services will adhere to the EPA’s guidelines for storing and handling herbicides to guarantee their safety and efficacy.


Keeping your lawn mowed regularly is important for many reasons. First, it’s a subjective appearance benefit (people like their yards to look neat and tidy). But more importantly, mowing keeps the grass at the ideal height for photosynthesis and nutrient absorption. It also helps to reduce vermin (like grubs and ticks) that prefer to live in higher plant material. Additionally, it promotes lateral growth, which thickens shoot density and improves turfgrass health.

But mowing is just one part of overall lawn care services. The most effective lawn maintenance practices include preventative fungicide treatments, regular fertilization, soil testing, aeration and dethatching. These services address problems like weeds, drought stress, and nutrient deficiencies that can damage or even kill your grass.

Lawn care service providers like Royal Landscapes offer a variety of recurring lawn services that keep your property looking its best year-round. Unlike lawn maintenance, which addresses simple cosmetic needs, these services ensure the health and beauty of your grass and help it resist pests and disease.

Our team takes the hassle out of maintaining your yard with dependable mowing and other lawn maintenance services on a schedule that fits your needs. You can sign up for a single visit or choose to set up a monthly, bi-weekly or weekly lawn maintenance plan that will save you time and money by allowing us to complete your landscaping services on a predetermined basis. This allows you to focus on more pressing matters while still getting your lawn the attention it deserves. Contact us today to learn more about our lawn maintenance services. Or if you are ready to get started, request your free estimate. We’ll provide you with a list of all the available options that best fit your home or business.

Hi, I’m Shannon Donaldson